As a general rule, this website does not collect Personal Information about you when you visit the site. You can generally visit the site without revealing Personal Information, unless you choose to provide such information.
This website records your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes -your server’s address; the name of the top-level domain from which you access the Internet (for example, .gov, .com, .in, etc.); the type of browser you use; the date and time you access the site; the pages you have accessed and the documents downloaded and the previous Internet address from which you linked directly to the site.
We will not identify users or their browsing activities, except when a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider’s logs.
A cookie is a piece of software code that an internet web site sends to your browser when you access information at that site. This site uses Session cookies, Persistent cookies.
These are temporary cookie files which are erased when you close your browser. When you restart your browser and go back to the site that created that cookie, the website will treat you as a new visitor.
These cookies stay on your browser until you delete them manually or until your browser deletes them based on the duration period set within the cookie. These cookies will recognize you as a return visitor.